Fading the Ball with the MGS

The Fade, MGSS Style.

The ‘fade’ shot requires a slightly out-to-in path, with slightly more body weight remaining on the back/trail leg, so that the net result is that the clubface opens through impact.

It is therefore not a normal MGSS shot. The basic MGSS shots (full-swing, pitch/bunker, chip and putt shot) will never allow the club to arrive at the ball from an outside path, which is created by a slight over-the-top downswing and thus produces less-than-ideal contact with the ball.

The adaptation to be made for the ‘fade’ should only be made after the set-up and backswing for a regular swing are easily repeated.

The only change to be made is that the golfer ‘twists’ less during the set-up. Or, as some do, twist as much as usual, then undo a bit of the twist.

A video has been attached with the same title, in the ‘golf videos’ section of this blog.

A draw is made by aiming the feet slightly right of target and shutting the clubface (as usual), and then using all the other features of the MGSS set-up and backswing. For those with a slightly forward ball-position (MGSS recommends center for all full-swing shots), that could be moved back a bit too, so as to be more centered.

This post especially for Mike Kenny.

Chasing the Tiger – how he’d benefit from using the MGS!

Chasing the Tiger

Uncommon golfer, common problems. The driver shots going wide to the right and the irons long and low and left.

That’s what one learns from ‘The Big Miss’ by Hank Haney, which truly should be mandatory reading for all wannabe golf instructors as well as wannabe Tiger instructors. Basically his arms would always get ‘stuck’ behind his body, as his body was too quick. That happened because at the top he was too steep and across-the-line with his club shaft and closed with his clubface.


One pro told him to snap his left knee straight to get more distance (I’d surely be sue-ing that pro, because torquing a knee as fast as Tiger does, then getting it into a fully-extended lock-out position with a rapid change of direction is a classic recipe for a torn-ACL). That pro also probably encouraged backswing width, which caused his arms to go too far away from the body during the takeaway.

Another had him practice being laid-off to prevent across-the-line, and then cock the wrists and rotate the forearms at takeaway, to prevent a shut clubface. He was also told that his head hangs back and his body drops down leading upto impact, so he should practice an Annika-like turn-of-head-to-target to prevent that.

Yet another coach, while ‘talking the talk’, and throwing out terms like ‘biomechanics’ strengthened Tiger’s grip and had him lean his shaft towards target. Everyone has seen the long, low misses to the left with the recent swing changes.

The saddest thing about all of these lessons is that all the instructors made Tiger reduce his distance in order to gain direction (which he did not do anyway!). It is a part of any golfer’s mojo to be able to hit the ball as far as possible! A good swing movement must give a golfer maximum distance, straight direction and ideal trajectory.

Bottom line. The golf swing really should not be a case of two negatives making a positive. That is to make a slicer into a hooker and an across-the-liner into a laid-off-er (new English).

Golfers are often told that they get stuck behind because their lower bodies are too quick, and their arms do not catch up in time. Actually, these golfers have all found different compensations to bring their incorrectly positioned joints back to impact correctly! A beginner golfer from similarly mis-placed joints at the top would simply come down in a straight line from the top (ie over-the-top). All compensations occur because the joints are in very opposite positions from where they need to be for correct impact.

A simple example. Where is the right upper body/trunk at address? Where is the right upper body/trunk at impact? Both times lower than the right, correct? (mainly because the right hand is lower on the club’s grip than the left). This means that if the left side/trunk is lower at the top-of-backswing, some phenomenal adjustments must be made to drop the right side down again. The same thing would apply for the shoulders, elbows, wrists and knee! Each misplaced joint needs its own re-routing during the downswing.

With the MGSS full-swing, the bottom-line requirement for Tiger (and others with the same problem) to never get stuck behind is always maintained. In a ‘traditional’ swing the body has to rotate and the arms have to lift, all at the same time, which causes a mix up of the roles of the body and arms. With the MGS, the upper-body is twisted shut at address. Now the left arm simply lifts ‘up’ (this ‘up’ is still always slightly ‘in’ because the left arm moves from the left shoulder, which is twisted ‘closed/shut’). It’s that simple. The ‘in’ of the left arm is just enough to not be ‘out’, and the club never gets stuck behind because the downswing lower-body/upper-body sequence always happens.

Tiger Woods, Hank Haney, ‘The Big Miss’ and -naturally – MGSS

Tiger Woods, Hank Haney, ‘The Big Miss’ and – naturally – MGSS

Read Hank Haney’s book ‘The Big Miss’ and could not put it down – not for the relationships of the various protagonists or anything as minor as that, but for the swing changes that Hank made and that he alluded to the coaches before and after him having made.

Was completely horrified at what these best of teachers teach! Basically, long-term band-aids, not cures. See the ‘MGS for Tiger and all Pros’ section of this blog for details and how MGSS would be the making of Tiger.

The goal of my life is to be Tiger’s next golf instructor and he truly needs MGSS. That is even more apparent after getting some insight into his psyche from all the comments ascribed to him in the book. What a waste for such a PHENOM to be compromising on distance to hit the ball straight – and still not always being able to do so!

ALMOST MGS but don’t ALWAYS ‘get it’? A common ‘leak’

ALMOST MGS but don’t ALWAYS ‘get it’? A common ‘leak’

MGS golfers sometimes lose a bit of their main (forward) or primary tilt while making the MGS twist. The solution? Make sure you have a good primary tilt or forward bend before you twist.

That way, the golfer does not have an ‘early extension’ of the spine (ie. getting out of posture during the downswing), nor does he/she come over-the-top, with both butt-cheeks showing at impact and a right shoulder forward of the right toe.

Also, the correct pre-twist forward bend allows a lot of room for the MGS backswing to happen.

PITCH vs CHIP – when to

Pitch vs Chip – when to

The comment about chipping, by a visitor to this blog who hosts a chipping website, prompted this post. What is the difference between a ‘chip’ and a ‘pitch’ shot and when should one use which one?

It is amazing how many good golfers too do not use that highly versatile, very reliable chip shot as often as possible!

See the short-game section for details.

Unusual Lies using MGSS

For a while now many MGSS followers have been asking about how/if the Minimalist Golf Swing (full-swing) – basically a movement which gives maximum distance and straight direction by ensuring the club always arrives at the ball from the inside and at a shallow angle – can be used for shots from unusual/awkward lies. A new page ‘Unusual Lies using MGSS’ will give details, and video will show how it’s done. Both have now been posted, using my current two best students as ‘models’.

What is YOUR swing fault?

What is YOUR swing fault?

A leading golf Instructor commented on how a slice and other swing faults should be cured:

“In my experience there are no fixed cures. Every situation can have many solutions. I have seen players doing so many things to slice a ball that there are in my opinion about 4 or 5 reasons for slicing. What remains constant is that the clubface is open at and through impact which imparts spin on the ball and makes it fly with a left to right pattern.”

This is certainly true for traditional golf instruction in which an instructor offers the best solution which is most likely to ‘cure’ the problem. A list of the most common problems instructors might try to cure to prevent various ball-flight faults would include (in random order):

  1. Reverse weight shift (backswing and thus downswing)
  2. Slide and sway
  3. Early extension of spine (in downswing – Titleist Performance Institute claims 75% of golfers have this ‘fault’)
  4. Casting during downswing
  5. Over-the-top downswing
  6. Across-the-line or laid off club shaft positions at top of backswing
  7. Bowed or cupped wrists during backswing (for club open or closed position at the top)
  8. Sliced, hooked, shanked, topped, chunked/fat shots etc. etc.

The list of ‘faults’ a golfer can have are endless.

The solutions are only two:

a. Try one of a few good swing ideas to (hopefully) replace the bad

b. Use the Minimalist Golf Swing System which not only allows all the good movements to happen without a golfer’s having to think about them, (because one good move follows the next), but MOST IMPORTANTLY, PREVENTS ALL the BAD MOVES.

Just as merely shutting a door does not prevent a wind or a person from opening it, merely making a few good moves does not always shut out the bad. The door – and golf swing – need a lock that shuts out any and every possible bad move. This is what the MGSS does, simply because it places all the body’s joints into positions from which they are best suited to perform, based upon their design.

Most ‘bad’ downswing movements are a golfer’s own personal way of re-routing from awkward top-of-backswing joint positions. No awkward positions = no re-routing during the downswing = consistent, ideal impact.

Does ‘GRIP’ matter?

Does ‘grip’ matter?

‘Grip’ means different things to different golfers. Strong or weak; overlap, interlock or ten-fingered; palm or fingers; ‘v’ pointing to chin or shoulder; long thumb or short; trigger finger or not; pressure in last three fingers/middle two fingers/thumb and pointer finger?

Whatever grip a golfer has, he/she will probably always revert to it – a grip change is perhaps the toughest change to make.

However, every golf instruction book ever written starts with a detailed description of ‘the grip’. So, does grip matter?

Considering that the hands are the first thing to depart from the ball at the start of the backswing, and the last to return to the ball – after hips, shoulders and arms, why does grip matter? The ‘mistake’ has been made much earlier in the downswing, before the hands even arrive at the ball! All slices, for instance are created by the golfer’s weight remaining on the trail leg at impact and spinning around it, instead of moving forward. The clubface cannot help but open.

The typical school of thought is that a strong grip produces a hook and a weak one a slice. Saw the famous Conrad Rehling give a demonstration of this philosophy years ago when we were both a part of the faculty at the famous Peggy Kirk Bell’s Golfari Schools. He would ask everyone to hold the clubface square with a weak grip, then raise their arms up straight above their heads and bring them down again. Amazingly, the club would come back open. With a strong grip and square clubface raised above the head then brought down, the clubface would return closed. ‘Wow, I thought, that’s magic! There really must be something to this grip business.’

However, how many golfers with weak grips still manage to hook the ball, while several with strong grips can still slice it!

The fact of the matter is, as demonstrated by Conrad Rehling but misunderstood as a ‘grip’ issue, the club opens or closes because of the position of the forearms created by the weak and strong grip positions.


The forearms have two bones which cross one-another when the forearm is ‘prone’ (palms facing backwards) and are parallel to one another when the forearm is ‘supine’ (palms facing forward). As the hands are fixed on the club, and thus ‘connected’, each forearm works to neutralize its position. So, for instance, a weak grip (of both hands) has a prone right (trail) arm and a strong grip has a prone left (lead) arm. The forearms always try to get into a position where both can become neutral in time for impact. (see pics. below, pronated forearm left, supine forearm right)

Instead of making a grip change, then, an instructor could work to simply change the rotation of the forearms, a much easier change (maybe by twisting the shoulders shut a bit for a weak grip, even if you don’t do it to the MGS extent). However, unless all other joints of the body, especially the right (trail) side shoulder, elbow and wrist joints are well-positioned during the backswing, the golfer will still retain his/her old incorrect pattern! This is why traditional golf instruction is so frustrating, it does not offer up any long-term, reliable solutions.

The Minimalist Golf Swing (MGS) makes all ‘grips’ strong, because it requires a ‘closed’ position of the whole body, which means that even a weak grip becomes less weak, or rather, both forearms become fairly neutral. All shots with the typical MGS set-up are thus baby-draws.

As regards other grip ‘issues’ such as palm or finger, trigger shaped thumb or not, all of these become ‘problems’ when people make wrist-using backswings, because wrist hinge is not a simple matter, and is never a pure ‘cock’ (radial deviation or abduction, in anatomical terms), but is inevitably accompanied by some backward wrist bend (extension), which creates problems in the forearm and shoulder positions too, for the right (trail) arm. So, the least wrist bend during the backswing, the less important a ‘perfect’ grip becomes. Wrist bend is easily created when the right (trail) elbow drops down (lags) during the downswing.

‘Learn MGSS in a Day’

One of the pages on this blog has an ‘learn MGSS in a day’ offer. It helps to personalize MGS – FOR YOU.


All the people who availed of the offer this summer, visited over two days, which was easier for them, in terms of ‘getting it’ as well as not over-taxing the back and hands!

Often, despite reading it all and looking at the videos, people cannot pin-point exactly which part they did not quite ‘get’. This leak means an inconsistent result, so why bother with MGS at all in that case, if inconsistency continues! So, the offer will be available – for St Louis – for 2 more months only, and may not be made next summer.

Also, today’s science ‘tutorial’ is on math – which if explained well and simply IS NOT a four letter word (please don’t say it’s actually ‘mathematics’, so cannot be a four-letter word anyway!).

The Minimalist Golf Swing System and Science

I have this student who shall, from now on, be referred to only as Princess. So, the Princess has been to lots of top golfers, and whenever she hits even one bad shot, she cusses me out and says, “You’re either a scam artist or a genius”. I have been to three instructors so far – two of them very famous – who all say “This is biomechanics’ and then they’ve all taught me something totally different. How can I know that your biomechanics is better than their?”

Well, Princess, first of all, the proof is in the pudding. If you’re swinging further, straighter and higher, and feel like you ‘did nothing’, SOMETHING must be working, whatever it’s name!

However, as I’m sure many golfers following this blog are interested in the science behind the MGSS, upcoming posts will have the physics, math, anatomy, biomechanics, physiology and even psychology of the system explained. In simple words that do not confound. After all, what’s the point of being in a Masters’ Program in Sports Science if one cannot use that knowledge!

All posts will appear in the ‘science and the golf swing’ section of this blog. The first post is about some basic physics principles and how they apply to the MGSS.