Tom Watson with his closest 'employees' - copy-pasted from the 2013 PGA Seniors' Championship-
[To be followed by a review of "Tom Watson Lessons of a Lifetime II - new advanced lessons - 69 of them!]
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Did you know Tom Watson might not be as kind as he should be to his workers and not even know it? Tom Watson? One of golf's last remaining gentlemen? Impossible you say. Well read on to see what his MOST INTIMATE workers say about him... (pics from 2014 Regions' Tradition Championship)
The "workers'" complaints: Worker L5 to C1 and C2: “Hey you two love-birds up there. Stop moving around so much. It hurts. Remember, even though I’m way down here I’m the biggest one of all of you. I’ll just stop behaving if you mess with me.” C2 (the lower one of the two 'lovebirds'): “Hey big bro L5. Don’t be mad at me. I’m as stuck as you are. What can I do if C1 moves left, then right, then down.....” T1 to T12: “Quiet you complainers...” L1, L2, L3 and L4: “All you Ts. Shut up. You have those big ribs to protect you, how can you feel our pain.... OUCH! UGH! CRASH. Tom just rammed down hard on us for stupid old 'impact'. L5, man up down there and please push down hard on that lazy guy Mr Sacrum and on Ms. Femur- she has lots of room to move about any which way. Let her feel our pain too.” Sly old Ms Right Femur: Hey guys, don’t think you can pull the wool (I mean cartilage) over my eyes (my acetabulum, that is). I’ll just push at grumpy old Mr Right Knee. He can handle it. Here I go..... down, down, down... Mr Right Knee: “You folks up there are so mean. I’m old and have taken a beating from all of you all my life. Stop bothering me why can’t you bother those underused forearm dudes and that silly elbow, why me all the.......OOOH, UGH, CRUNCH, AAARGH. Hey my twin bro, Left. How’re you faring? Mr. (gossipy) Left Knee: “I did tell you Tom fired my upstairs neighbor Left Hip and REPLACED him, didn’t I? Poor guy, he’d worked so hard and been so misused for so long and then WHAM, just like that, he’s replaced. I tell you, it’s the fault of my downstairs neighbor, that little flibbertigibbet, pass-the-buck Miss Left Ankle. She never pulls her weight. She won’t even stay grounded for Tom’s backswing - but here’s a secret - boy do we all push down on her together at the start of the downswing. But Bro, I’m more worried about you. Our union is better than yours. The secret plan is to push all responsibility onto you guys for the downswing - I think they’re calling it the COUP OF THE DOWNSWING-REVERSE-WEIGHT-SHIFT. So, be careful, I hurt for you. Mrs Right Elbow: “Right Knee. You’re just a complainer. I’m much smaller and far more sensitive than you’ll ever be, so mind your own busi........ EEEEOWWWW.” SILENCE.