The Golf Swing and Traditional Dogma

The Golf Swing and Traditional Dogma I ask every first-time student to do this “drill” Get into your address position and look to see which shoulder is lower Get into your impact position and look to see which shoulder is lower Get into your top of backswing position and look to see which shoulder is […]

Your swing – and Tiger’s – should resemble a modern car

Where Tiger – and YOU – go wrong Concepts about the golf swing have truly never evolved since the time shepherd boys insouciantly swung their crocks and knocked pebbles into holes. Not in any meaningful, scientific manner. So, although Tiger’s coaches have all been smart folks, none of them has ever dared think ‘outside-the-box’ enough […]

How Phil Mickelson- and YOU – can get more consistency

How Phil Mickelson- and YOU –  can get more consistency Recently saw a very nice interview with the fitness coach, Sean Cochran, of Phil Mickelson, The Open Championship 2013 winner. [] So, wondered if his swing lives up to the fitness improvements his coach has made on him. Then needed the perfect illustration to explain […]


        The ONE MOST IDIOTIC Golf Swing POSITION The GRIP. They told you about interlock/overlap/ten-finger. They told you about palm vs finger. They told you where the ‘V’ for each hand should point, and whether the grip should be ‘strong’ or ‘weak’. They told you which fingers of the left and which […]

Long Drive Regionals in St Louis, July 2012

Most long-drivers do not take golf lessons. (Based on survey information collected at the recent long-drive regional qualifier in St Louis). They miss 6 out of 6 shots to a grid 50 yards wide, and blame it on everything possible such as bad luck, bad weather, poor mental preparation, cracked driver etc. etc. They NEVER […]

MGSS – a new adjective to describe it!

What a treat to explain The Minimalist Golf Swing System to people with a background in anatomy! They GET IT. However, because it’s so different (or in the words of people who’ve tried it, ‘weird’, ‘counter-intuitive’, ‘unnatural’ etc. etc.!) it’s best to ‘show’ rather than ‘tell’. So last weekend, at a gathering of 50 chiropractic […]

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