Consistency with YOUR golf backswing? A SIMPLE TEST.

Consistency with YOUR golf backswing? A SIMPLE TEST. The ONLY WAY for the club to arrive at the ball is FROM THE INSIDE, with an UNDERARM movement. At the top of your backswing are your hands set for a tennis over-arm serve? Are they wrapped right around you? Do many right-side joints need to be […]

Golf-Swing Thoracic Rotation – Boon or Bane?

Golf’s In-Swing Thoracic Rotation. (see this video for more on Thoracic Rotation – boon or bane) It all began when someone told us that something called X-Factor could separate the longest from the shortest hitters on Tour. (Was this X-factor relationship one of correlation or causation?). The X-factor required a golfer’s thorax to rotate […]


Make THIS your BEST-EVER Golf Year In the new video with this title (in this blog, in the section ‘golf videos’) are some ‘helpful hints’ on what you might consider doing to make the New Year an exciting one for you – GOLF-wise. Have posted several videos over the past few weeks which give a […]

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